Health Services Department
Nursing services are available in Grants Cibola County Schools to provide support to students who have medical needs.
About GCCS Health Services:
School Nurses and Health Assistants provide support and care for students with special healthcare needs and/or chronic conditions through care management and direct care, including medication administration and health procedures.
School Nurses support student health in a variety of ways. School nurses may teach students how to manage their own health and wellness; monitor student immunization status, conduct vision and hearing screening, refer students for treatment; participate in 504/IEP meetings, contribute to individualized education programs and/or develop individualized health care plans.

Medical Procedure Authorization Forms & Action Plans
To be filled out by your child's physician if procedures need to be done while at school including prescription medication administration. These forms will need to be filled out annually each school year.
Health Information and Emergency Authorization Form
Parent/guardian understand that appropriate transport and medical care of their child will be arranged to ANY appropriate medical care provider, hospital or medical facility in the event of an emergency. This authorization does not cover major surgery unless one other doctor/dentist concurs to the need. Nothing in this section shall be construed to impose liability on any school official or school employee, who in good faith, attempts to comply with this section. It is understood that the parent/guardian will be financially responsible for all emergency care. The parent/guardian authorizes the school health office staff to contact the child’s providers listed regarding medical management of the child. The parent/guardian understands the information on this card will be shared with appropriate personnel on an as-needed basis only. The parent/guardian, also, understands the screenings (including vision, hearing, height, weight, blood pressure, and BMI) may be done by school health personnel unless I provide the school health office with written notification requesting exclusion from these screenings. This form must be filled out by the parent/guardian each school year for each student enrolled.
Immunization Information:
New Mexico law requires that all students be immunized against certain vaccine-preventable communicable diseases (see NMSA § 24 (Health and Safety)). These requirements are determined by the NMDOH in collaboration with the New Mexico Vaccine Advisory Committee (VAC) using recommendations from the national Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
Immunization Guidelines/Requirements may change year to year. For current School Entry Immunization Requirements, please visit the NMDOH website.
2023-2024 School Entry Immunization Requirements:
Need your child's shot records?
The DOH now offers a way for you to easily access these shot records yourself. Clink the link below!
Immunization Exemption
A student in New Mexico may be exempt from NM Department of Health (DOH) and NM Public Education Department (PED) immunization requirements by completing the current Exemption from Immunization Form.
Who may use the exemption immunization form?
Individuals requesting a religious or medical exemption to immunization may use this form.
This form must be used for all children with an exemption going into any public, private, or parochial preschool, kindergarten, elementary, secondary school, or home school. It also must be used for children attending daycare or childcare facilities.
This form must not be used for exemption from immunization for personal or philosophical reasons. New Mexico law does not allow for such exemptions.
Clink the link below for more information:
Administration of Medications at School
If possible, all medications should be given at home. If medications must be given during school hours they shall be administered in compliance with the New Mexico Administrative Code, New Mexico Nursing Practice Act, New Mexico School Health Manual Standards, and this procedural directive.
For purposes of this procedural directive, a “medication” means any substance that is ingested, injected, inhaled or used topically in the diagnosis, treatment and/or the prevention of disease. This includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter and non-prescription drugs. Health care providers who have prescriptive authority in the United States will authorize prescription medications. Medication authorizations are acceptable, for example, from licensed medical doctors (MDs), nurse practitioners (NPs), osteopathic physicians (DOs), doctors of oriental medicine (DOMs), physician assistants (PAs) and certified diabetes educators affiliated with medical doctor, as well as clinical nurse specialists or psychologists who have completed the pharmacology course requirements to obtain prescriptive privileges. Some prescriptive privileges are limited to a specific area of practice for example; a doctor of oriental medicine is only authorized to write prescriptive orders for oriental medicine herbs.
For purposes of this procedural directive, “controlled substance” means a drug or chemical substance whose possession and use are controlled by law.
The following process shall be followed when it is absolutely necessary for a student to take medication during the instructional day.
Process of Medication Administration
School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)
If you would like to become a member of the School Health Advisory Committee please fill out the application below.

The SHAC is committed to meeting at a minimum of twice yearly to discuss the action items below:
Wellness Policy Implementation, Monitoring, Accountability and Community Engagement
Quality Physical Activity
Health Education Content Standards and Benchmarks
Physical Education Requirements
Social and Emotional Well-Being
Health Services Needs
Staff Wellness

NM Lions Operation KidSight
GCCS has partnered with NM Lions Operation KidSight to provide a Spare Pair & Replacement Program that allows student with a valid eyeglass prescription dated within one year and a filled out request form to receive a free spare pair or replacement frames. NM Lions Operation KidSight/Save Our Children’s Sight Fund will provide a pair of prescription eyeglasses including a fashion frame with polycarbonate lenses. Any options or special treatments to the requested glasses will not be considered without a letter of medical necessity written by the eye doctor that performed the current exam. The School Nurse has sample frames in their office for your child to choose from for their Spare Pair.
Once the request form is filled out it can be given to the nurse at the students school site or emailed to: nicolem.chavez@gccs.k12.nm.us

What is SchoolMed?
We have partnered with Goodside Health to provide our students with access to healthcare when they feel sick at school!
Goodside Health providers can assess, diagnose, and treat the most common pediatric conditions – all from the convenience of our health room. Every student is eligible to register for SchoolMed, regardless of insurance or residency status. Students must be registered to take part in the program. Click here to sign-up today!
No Appointments Needed
SchoolMed works just like a clinic visit. Students can be online with a Goodside Health provider within a few minutes! Parents & Guardians can join every visit, too! When requested, Goodside Health sends parents a secure link to join the visit.
When a prescription is needed, the provider will call it into your local pharmacy. SchoolMed also creates school excuse notes for students. If you need to leave work to pick up your student, parents get also get an excuse note for work.
How to Register
Sign-up online anytime at gsh.co/register! Select our school district from the drop down, click the link, and be sure to answer every question.
You can also fill out a paper registration form. Grab a form from the office, fill it out completely, and return it to the school health room.
What Does it Cost?
The final cost of a visit depends on your health insurance. You may be responsible for a copay, deductible, or coinsurance.
For questions about cost, send us a question at gsh.co/billing-inquiries – or – contact your health plan to learn more.
Goodside Health also has the Goodside Cares program to provide financial assistance for families when needed. Learn more and apply for help at gsh.co/goodsidecares.

Important Information Links
Health Services Staff Directory

Elementary Schools
Bluewater Elementary
Jacque Mathews- Health Assistant
Cubero Elementary
Kelsey Martinez-Health Assistant
Mesa View Elementary
Milan Elementary
Janelle Vargas, RN
Mt. Taylor Elementary
Alexandra Aldaz, RN
San Rafael Elementary
Dorinda Jaramillo- Health Assistant
Seboyeta Elementary
Natalie Duree- Health Assistant
Middle/High Schools
Los Alamitos Middle School
Sharon Moleres- Health Assistant
Laguna Acoma Jr High/High School
Karen Eagle-Aragon, LPN
Grants High School
Mary James, RN
Early College High School
Bernadette Cheromiah
District Office
Nicole M. Chavez, RN- Health Services Coordinator
Vacant- District Nurse
Pam Gutierrez, RN, CDCES- Diabetic Educator
Kylissa Baca- Health Services Secretary
Health Services Fax # 505-285-2629