
Isaac Tafoya, Coordinator

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The Grants/Cibola County Schools Technology department is dedicated to maintaining the computer network, hardware, and services that support all 11 schools and 4 remote administration offices. The Technology department continues to offer Google’s G-Suite for Education to all students and staff. The G-Suite offers modern cloud based applications that increase productivity and mobility.

Over the past 10 years, the Technology department has completed a numerous variety of projects to increase the technological resources that support everyday learning. These projects include but are not limited to; optimizing network hardware by upgrading the security appliance, routing, switching, wireless access equipment, and uninterruptible power supplies in the district. The district now exceeds bandwidth requirements and is now able to support our Chromebook 1-to-1 initiative. Also, every classroom is equipped with a smart board, desktop and laptop computers. Aging servers, network storage and backup solutions have been replaced with modern servers that host the district’s new virtual server platforms. 

The primary service backbone of the district has undergone vast redesigns and upgrades. All ten schools and administration buildings in the Grants/Cibola County School district are connected via fiber optic media to the district's data center. The main internet circuit in the data center has been upgraded, from a dedicated 300 Mbps ethernet circuit, to a 5 Gbps fiber optic circuit. All projects were implemented with scalability and future proofing in mind. 

The district leverages powerful management tools to streamline and automate software installations and configurations on all devices. The Technology department supports remote learning via specialized remote tools. Staff and students can be supported on their devices remotely, whether they are on the district’s network or at home

Highlighted Points of Growth

  1. 1-to-1 Chromebook Initiative

    1. All students upon admission will receive a Chromebook to participate in Google Classroom and online assessments

  2. Regular Equipment Upgrade Cycle

    1. End User Equipment - 2nd cycle complete

      1. All classrooms upgraded with a Smartboard, desktop, and laptop

      2. All computer labs upgraded with new desktops and monitors

      3. All administrative and support staff upgraded with desktops and laptops

    2. Network Infrastructure Equipment - 2nd cycle complete

      1. All network equipment from firewalls to wireless access points, and all equipment in between has recently undergone their second life cycle upgrade

      2. Funds from Federal, State, and local agencies are maximized to maintain regular hardware and software upgrade cycles for end user and network infrastructure equipment

  3. Network Services

    1. The district receives Internet service with a speed of 5 Gbps

    2. The district maintains a 1 Gbps redundant internet circuit

    3. All of the district’s schools are on a fiber optic network

    4. Data Center operation is supported by backup power via a generator

    5. To further enhance the technology operating environment, a new Data Center is forthcoming

  4. Remote Support Services

    1. Remote technical support for staff and students

    2. Free Wi-Fi on campus parking lots

    3. ECF-funded student home internet

Technology Department Links: